Posts filed under Dermal Filler

Long-term Botox patients perceive themselves as younger than their age

According to a study presented at the 2014 American Society for Dermatologic Study Annual Meeting, patients receiving continuous Botox treatment over the course of several years perceived themselves to look younger than their actual age.

Alistair Carruthers, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada (FRCPC) presented the results of the study, which assessed 194 patients, aged 18 and above, with at least five years history of continuous treatment.

Carruthers and his team reviewed patient records of Botox treatments from 1999 to 2012, evaluating facial areas treated, dosage per area, number of treatments performed, any accompanying aesthetic treatments and any adverse events associated with the Botox treatment.

The mean age at first injection was 46.3 years, and data was collected from 5,112 treatment sessions with an average of two or more treatments annually, over a mean of 9.1 years.

The researchers found that the longer patients were injected, the younger they perceived themselves to be. They also found that although dosing for glabellar lines and crows' feet remained stable over the period covered, dosing for forehead lines had decreased since 1999.

Botox Boob Job

What is a Botox “Boob” Job?

Botox injections are used for a variety of reasons ranging from treating medical illnesses that involve muscles spasticity to smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles on the face. Doctors are finding new applications for Botox every day, one of the most recent being a breast lift with the filler, often referred to as a ‘Botox Boob Job’.

Why Botox?

Botox has been deemed as a safe and effective treatment for managing fine lines and wrinkles on the face as well as tight muscles that can affect posture and mobility in patients with cerebral palsy or other muscle disorders. Botox blocks the neuromuscular junction, which alters the signals that reach the muscles through the nerves. The procedure only takes a few minutes to perform, and the effects can last for a few months.

The Botox boob job

How a Botox boob job works is that the filler is injected into the pectoralis minor muscle, which is located behind the breast right over the chest wall. Once injected, it is relaxed and loses its tension. It is believed that this injection counteracts the normal function of the pectoralis minor by pulling back the shoulders and resulting in a breast lift.

The procedure can be difficult to perform since the pectoralis minor muscle is hard to target as it is covered entirely by a thick pectoralis major muscle. This application draws questions as to whether blocking the function of this small muscle has any benefit over offering a traditional breast lift in the first place.

The Botox boob job is different than a traditional breast augmentation procedure because it does not actually increase the size of a woman’s breasts, only gives the appearance of an increase.

How long does a Botox boob job last for?

The effects of the procedure, which is generally only offered to women who have a smaller cup size, last between 4 and 5 months.

Costs of the procedure?

Treatments can cost up the £1000. The Botox boob job takes longer to perform than facial treatments with Botox, and so it is more expensive.

Risks of a Botox boob job?

The general side effects of Botox still remain and there is risk of an allergic reaction, though rare, but the extents of risks associated with the Botox boob job are unknown. Insufficient numbers of the procedure have been performed at this point.

Please remember, with any cosmetic procedure it’s always important to do your research and consult with a certified practitioner to find the right option for you.

3/4 of women would AVOID lip fillers for fear of ending up with the fish-look!

A survey of 1,000 women found 63% would like fuller lips, despite that 78% avoid getting injectable lip fillers due to the fear of trout pout.

There's nothing more seductive than a juicy pair of pouting lips, so it's no wonder a survey found that 63 per cent of women would like to plump up their own pair.

But despite our lust for luscious lips only 7 per cent of women said they had no qualms with lip fillers, 15 per cent were on the fence and 78 per cent of us gave it a big thumbs down due to potential trout pout, health risks and cost.

Despite lip injectables being popular among celebrities including Amy Childs and Katie Price, women are reticent to follow their lead.

Well over half of women said their main reason for steering clear of the cosmetic treatment was fear of trout pout, the wonky disproportionate mouth that can sometimes result from the treatment.

For more information on Dermal Fillers visit our website at or call 0161 485 8104 and speak to one our highly experienced practitioners.


Posted on September 5, 2014 and filed under Dermal Filler.