Vampire Facial

Discovering the latest sensational treatments, and bringing them exclusively to the Cheshire and Manchester residents, a Vampire Facelift is a new revolutionary procedure which harnesses the natural, regenerative minerals in your body, to help those who wish to retain their youthful opulence. At Julia Knightley, we’re not your traditional clinic. Behind closed doors and with a sensuous environment to relax you, we can treat you to an incredible Vampire Facelift to rejuvenate your face with natural platelets.

You can now embrace the ageing process gracefully and still have a healthy youthful looking  appearance.  To do this, you don't have to look another further than your own body for a natural fountain of youth.  You have snide of you the power to heal and regenerate tissue in all areas of your body.  Stem cells do this for you everyday of your life.  Cosmetic Platelet Rich Plasma (also known as PRP or Vampire Facials) is a leading-edge procedure that harnesses the healing power of platelets and growth factors from your blood to stimulate a stem cell response.  These stem cells help you to grow new collagen and blood vessels, repair and regenerate damaged skin, and help slow down and even reverse the signs of ageing.  


Platelet Rich Plasma is an extract of your own blood that contains three to five times more platelets, growth factors and active proteins for tissue and injury healing.  It has been used medically for years to accelerate wound healing, repair tendon, ligament and joint damage; heal diabetic ulcers; and help regrow bone and muscle.  When PRP is placed back into the skin by injection or micro-needling, it initiates a localised stem cell response.  Over the weeks and months following treatment, this stem cell response recruits collagen- producing cells called fibroblasts.  The fibroblasts replace tissue that has been damaged or lost through the ageing process, with healthy skin that looks refreshed and rejuvenated.  The potential benefits of PRP have led to a recent widespread in its use for anti ageing and regenerative purposes.  The healing properties of the blood components in PRP can be used a cosmetic treatments for the following:

Reducing Fine Lines

Tightening and Toning Skin

Mild Collagen and Volume Loss

Crows Feet and Dark Cicles under the Eyes

Acne Scarring and Rosacea