Posts tagged #hair removal

Christian Louboutin’s new must have nail polish, Loubi Under Red

Christian Louboutin’s new nail polish has been at the core of it’s brand since 1992, when the designer painted the sole of a prototype high heel red after watching his assistant paint her nails in the same shade, so it was only a matter of time before he launched his own nail polish line. As expected last month's debut of 31 nail polishes, pop art bright's, moody darks and classic nudes in obelisk inspired bottles, but it's the latest addition that really brings the brand's connection to fashion and beauty full circle. It's called Loubi Under Red and it's the first nail polish for the undersides of your nails. Instead of a brush, it has a tiny felt marker tip that allows you to easily paint the bottom of your nail without getting polish on your finger. Only catch is that long nails are a requirement, so for those nail biters among us you may have to use this as your motivation to break the habit.

Loubi Under Red is available from 13th October at

Laser Hair Removal

Excessive and unsightly body hair can be a pain in the derrière! However, ladies and gents, there is another way! Laser hair removal is a rapid, yet gentle way of removing unwanted hair, plus it's medically proven to give you permanent reduction! So what are you waiting for gorgeous people?

Posted on May 11, 2014 and filed under Hair Removal.